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Culturally Responsive
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Tips, Tools, and Techniques

March 10, 2022 (Thursday)
10 AM- 12 PM (Pacific time) 

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Pamela Hays holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Hawaii and served as a NIMH postdoctoral fellow at the University of Rochester School of Medicine followed by 11 years on the graduate faculty of Antioch University Seattle.  Her research had included working with Muslim women in North Africa, and Cambodia, Lao, and Vietnamese people in the United States.  She is the author of several books including Addressing Cultural Complexities in Counseling and Clinical Practice, and her therapeutic work is featured in APA-produced training videos.  For more information, go to

A Master Class
Pamela A. Hays, PhD

In this dynamic, interactional workshop, Dr. Pamela Hays will cover the flexible use of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) with diverse people. By using the ADDRESSING framework, we'll consider a variety of interactional influences and learn several culturally adaptive CBT tools, including Compassion Voice, Attitude of Gratitude, Wise Elder, and The Most Generous Interpretation Technique. 

About Dr. Hays
2 free CEUs for mental health clinicians
Co-Sponsored by California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University and the San Joaquin Valley API Mental Health Project 
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